Sunday, May 17, 2009

My journey to get healthy at 50 without health insurance

Today I received my bloodwork screening results from the 9news Health Fair. I am floored at the results and now need to find the path back to good health. I am 50 years 5 months old, unemployed, experiencing menopause, and without health insurance. I will be updating this blog as I review my options but first I'll go over the basics that I need to improve:

Weight today: 190 lbs
Daily activity: sit in front of the computer approx 6 hrs/day, Zumba on Fridays if my daughter isn't busy.
I smoke approx 1/2 pack/day
Results to work on:
Glucose: 98 after a 12 hour fast
Sodium: 140
Cholesterol, serum: 237
Triglycerides, serum: 632
HDL cholesterol: 28

There is no time or need to understand how I got in this state of health - I just wasn't paying attention. Now I have to act and get a handle on this so I'm in good health when I'm 80 and so I'll make it to 80.